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Currently, the Group has 03 thermoelectric plants using biogas generated in landfills in operation and 10 more projects to be installed in the coming years.The Solví Group contributes clean and renewable energy to the country's energy matrix, in a decentralized manner, since our units are spread out in different Brazilian regions.

In addition to generating electricity, the Solví Group is also investing ininstallation of biomethane plants, biofuel produced from biogas generated at the landfill that can replace fuel from a fossil source.Currently two projects are being implemented - Caieiras (SP) and Minas do Leão (RS).


The projects and actions for this theme come from an integrated work that mobilizes all the UVSs and different areas of the company, mainly the areas of sustainability, innovation and new businesses, which frequently assess the feasibility of generating alternative energy, including projects photovoltaic. Currently, the Group has two solar energy generation plants and 21 projects for implementation.


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