The success of our business is intrinsically linked to the non-negotiable commitment to transforming progress and sustainability into a unique phenomenon, helping the population to make the best use of each resource. We exist to make it easier for companies and society to walk this path together.
Solví's Materiality Matrix consists of the process of analysis and identification of the most relevant issues for the organization, taking into account the business strategies and the perception of the impacts caused by it through the consultation carried out with the public with which it relates, its stakeholders. Browse the Menu below and check out our priority themes put into practice.
wasteAddressing this topic is a priority in all our segments of activity, since the meaning of our existence is to be the bridge that facilitates the path of companies and society towards waste management in the sustainability journey. Therefore, we assume the responsibility of taking care of what the population discards every day. We see opportunity where people no longer see value. Check it out in practice
wasteAddressing this topic is a priority in all our segments of activity, since the meaning of our existence is to be the bridge that facilitates the path of companies and society towards waste management in the sustainability journey. Therefore, we assume the responsibility of taking care of what the population discards every day. We see opportunity where people no longer see value. Check it out in practice
Climate changesClimate change is a material topic for the Solví Group, we are committed to contributing positively to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, offering innovative solutions to minimize GHG emissions through sustainable alternatives for the disposal of waste generated by society, investing in the energy reuse of biogas. Check it out in practice
Climate changesClimate change is a material topic for the Solví Group, we are committed to contributing positively to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, offering innovative solutions to minimize GHG emissions through sustainable alternatives for the disposal of waste generated by society, investing in the energy reuse of biogas. Check it out in practice
EnergyWe are constantly seeking to optimize energy performance, prioritizing the use of renewable sources with greater efficiency. Our commitment, established in our Sustainability Policy, is to achieve self-sufficiency in electricity in our UVSs by 2026. The Solví Group is a pioneer in the electricity generation sector with the energy recovery of waste. Check it out in practice
EnergyWe are constantly seeking to optimize energy performance, prioritizing the use of renewable sources with greater efficiency. Our commitment, established in our Sustainability Policy, is to achieve self-sufficiency in electricity in our UVSs by 2026. The Solví Group is a pioneer in the electricity generation sector with the energy recovery of waste. Check it out in practice
Guidelines to combat child labor, forced or compulsory laborGrupo Solví repudiates child labor and any form of forced labor that reduces men to the condition of slavery or equivalent. Check it out in practice
Guidelines to combat child labor, forced or compulsory laborGrupo Solví repudiates child labor and any form of forced labor that reduces men to the condition of slavery or equivalent. Check it out in practice
Guidelines to combat child labor, forced or compulsory laborGrupo Solví repudiates child labor and any form of forced labor that reduces men to the condition of slavery or equivalent. Check it out in practice
Clients satisfactionThis topic is classified as material because the Solví Group is committed to adding value to customers, minimizing risks and generating a positive impact on society. Our strategy privileges the environment with rigorous planning of expenses and simplification of processes. Check it out in practice
Clients satisfactionThis topic is classified as material because the Solví Group is committed to adding value to customers, minimizing risks and generating a positive impact on society. Our strategy privileges the environment with rigorous planning of expenses and simplification of processes. Check it out in practice
Clients satisfactionThis topic is classified as material because the Solví Group is committed to adding value to customers, minimizing risks and generating a positive impact on society. Our strategy privileges the environment with rigorous planning of expenses and simplification of processes. Check it out in practice
Community development, local employmentThe topic was evaluated and considered material because the Solví Group generates more than 15 thousand jobs (own employees and third-party residents), prioritizing local residents. In addition to formal employment and income for these families, we generate benefits for the surrounding community with social projects and environmental education to facilitate the path towards building a sustainable world, sharing information on the best practices for the use of each resource. Check it out in practice
Community development, local employmentThe topic was evaluated and considered material because the Solví Group generates more than 15 thousand jobs (own employees and third-party residents), prioritizing local residents. In addition to formal employment and income for these families, we generate benefits for the surrounding community with social projects and environmental education to facilitate the path towards building a sustainable world, sharing information on the best practices for the use of each resource. Check it out in practice
Community development, local employmentThe topic was evaluated and considered material because the Solví Group generates more than 15 thousand jobs (own employees and third-party residents), prioritizing local residents. In addition to formal employment and income for these families, we generate benefits for the surrounding community with social projects and environmental education to facilitate the path towards building a sustainable world, sharing information on the best practices for the use of each resource. Check it out in practice
DiversityGood productivity is a positive impact related to the diversity of the Group's internal public and this positioning also influences our environment to become more inclusive. Our Sustainability Policy is committed to avoiding any type of discrimination, promoting an inclusive and diverse culture for all employees belonging to groups considered to be minority and strengthening the PPCS social programs. Check it out in practice
DiversityGood productivity is a positive impact related to the diversity of the Group's internal public and this positioning also influences our environment to become more inclusive. Our Sustainability Policy is committed to avoiding any type of discrimination, promoting an inclusive and diverse culture for all employees belonging to groups considered to be minority and strengthening the PPCS social programs. Check it out in practice
DiversityGood productivity is a positive impact related to the diversity of the Group's internal public and this positioning also influences our environment to become more inclusive. Our Sustainability Policy is committed to avoiding any type of discrimination, promoting an inclusive and diverse culture for all employees belonging to groups considered to be minority and strengthening the PPCS social programs. Check it out in practice
Bribery and CorruptionBribery and corruption are priority issues for the Solví Group due to the economic and social impact they represent. The main risks of this topic reside in activities that involve negotiations and expose employees in interactions with public agents, autarchies and in commercial negotiations. Check it out in practice
Political contributionsThe topic “Relationship with the Government” is addressed in the Group's Conflict of Interest Policy, an internal document, and in items 8.4 and 8.5 of our code of conduct, establishing special care and mechanisms to mitigate the risks of this issue, reinforces the duty to act impersonally, honestly and professionally. Check it out in practice
Ethics and integrityFor the Group, Compliance goes beyond risk prevention and detection. It is a consultative activity that supports strategic objectives and risk management. Among the various measures taken by the area are the engagement of senior leadership, policies and procedures aligned with the company's culture and day-to-day, investment in employee training and internal communication, auditing and monitoring of compliance processes. It ensures the mitigation of exposures to regulatory risks by promoting measures to discipline corporate activities. The guiding thread of this action is formed by the Sustainable Integrity Program and the company's Code of Ethics and Conduct. Check it out in practice
Whistleblower protectionThe Solví Group guarantees the confidentiality of reports, and no adverse action is taken against a whistleblower in good faith, prohibiting any retaliatory measures against the whistleblower and those responsible for investigating the reports. The guidelines are provided for in the Code of Conduct - Chapter 14 and reinforced on the Whistleblower Channel website. Check it out in practice
The success of our business is intrinsically linked to the non-negotiable commitment to transforming progress and sustainability into a unique phenomenon, helping the population to make the best use of each resource. We exist to make it easier for companies and society to walk this path together.
Acting at the heart of sustainable development, meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same, operating with concern for the three pillars – economic, social and environmental – is the challenge of countless organizations from the most diverse segments .

SGI Policy
Sustainability and integrity underpin all of the Solví Group's actions. We seek to leave a legacy of a chain of wealth generation and innovative solutions for our clients, establishing lasting and ethical bonds with our stakeholders, creating jobs and promoting the training of professionals and upstanding citizens and a society committed to sustainability.
The Solví group has 3 Management System Policies.
Transparency and Equal Pay Report for Women and Men
DECREE No. 11,795, OF NOVEMBER 23, 2023
Regulates Law No. 14,611, of July 3, 2023, which provides for equal pay and remuneration criteria between women and men.
Art. 2...
§ 3 The Report referred to in the caput must be published on the companies' own websites, on social networks or similar instruments, ensuring wide dissemination to their employees, collaborators and the general public.
§ 4 The publication of the Reports must take place in the months of March and September, as detailed in an act from the Ministry of Labor and Employment.