Sustainable Integrity Program

Solví acts with ethics and recognized competence in the engineering management of solutions for life.
To maintain this objective, it is not enough to offer the best services.
We are a family owned and operated business.
There is also a need for unrestricted respect for the environment and society, as well as an irreproachable attitude towards all audiences with which it relates, such as Employees, Shareholders, Customers, Communities, Competitors, Associated Companies, Suppliers, Service Providers and Governments, among other related parties. To follow the path of ethics, the organization develops the Sustainable Integrity Program (PIS), which consists of initiatives to disseminate and strengthen the principles defined in the Code of Conduct.
We are a family owned and operated business.
All employees have a duty to use SOLVÍ's Anti-Corruption Policy as a guide for their daily decisions and actions, and should be multipliers of this policy and assist new employees in their understanding, monitoring and use, alerting them to situations of potential violation.
We are a family owned and operated business.
To reinforce this integrity value and make it part of the company's DNA, Solví promotes the Solví Integrity Week. To know more